Panel One
Close-up on Aiden as he shouts.
Panel Two
Harper and Minnie jump forward, shouting with their swords out and their Spirits floating above.
Panel Three
Ida, Dawn, and Ren stand together looking out with concern.
REN (Voiceover): Those two... Caliburn warned me they were coming. But I ignored it.
Panel Four
Dawn looks with concern.
DAWN: ...Minnie and Harper.
Panel Five
Close-up on Dawn's face in shock.
DAWN: They were...
Panel Six:
Angle on Harper and Minnie as they stand with their swords
Panel Seven:
Harper's Spirit, MORDRED lunges forward.
MORDRED: Yesss, more Conjurers to slay!
Panel Eight
Aiden readies his sword as Bertilak floats above him.
AIDEN: I won't let you two get to my friends.