Panel 1
Close-up on Aiden as he looks over his shoulder at Harper and Minnie. Around the two, colors glow around them of their Spirits.
AIDEN: You might want to see this…
Panel 2
Ida and Ren surround Dawn, who remains staring at Harper and Minnie.
IDA: Dawn? Who is that over there?
IDA: It looks like they’re-
Panel 3
Close-up on Harper and Minnie who stare directly at the three. In their hands, swords materialize. Ida’s speech bubble appears.
IDA: Staring at us.
Panel 4
Harper and Minnie walk forward with their swords out.
MINNIE: Look who it is, Harper!
MINNIE: A lost mortal…
Panel 5
Ida holds Dawn defensively.
IDA: What’s going on, Dawn? Do you know those two?
AIDEN: Ida! Ren! Watch out!