Panel One: Ida leans on the foot of her bed, yelling out to Guinevere.
IDA: I wish I could make my voice heard!
Panel Two: Ida clutches her chest and shouts.
IDA: I wish I knew what to do with all these feelings!
Panel Three: Close-up on Guinevere as it looks out, staring blankly.
IDA: Do you...
Panel Four: Ida reaches out to Guinevere.
IDA: Do you feel the same way too?
Panel Five: Ida sits on her bed, staring at her hand as pink magic energy glows around her.
Panel Six: Ida holds up her glowing sword as Guinevere floats beside her.
IDA: When I hold this sword, Guinevere, all those feelings I have... It's like this blade gives me the strength to act on them.