Panel 1
Close-up on Ren as she looks out sadly.
REN: I just want…
Panel 2
Ren throws up her hands and stands at the shore.
REN:I just want to be with Ida-!
Panel 3
Ren jumps in the water with Ida and Dawn.
SFX: Splish! Splash!
Panel 4
Ida and Dawn wave from the water.
IDA: Come on, Ren! The water feels so nice!
Panel 5
Ren approaches Ida as she wades in the water. Caliburn floats above her.
Panel 6
Aiden looks around, constantly on his guard. Around him, the green glow of Bertilak appears.
AIDEN: Spot any trouble, Bertilak?
Panel 7
Aiden turns his head to look towards something
BERTILAK: What’s this I see? Conjurers- might these two be?
Panel 8
Angle from behind Aiden as he sits up to look closer at the figures approaching: Harper and Minnie running forward as their hands begin to glow.